Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime Ben Adams will present his annual budget and council tax precept proposal at a meeting of the Staffordshire Police, Fire & Crime Panel.
During the meeting on Monday (3 February), the panel will hear from the Commissioner about Staffordshire Police’s financial position, considering current and future funding requirements and actual and expected cost pressures from the force and his own office. Staffordshire Fire & Rescue’s financial position will be discussed on Monday 10 February.
The panel represents the public in holding the Commissioner to account, and is made up of local authority representatives together with independent members.
Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams said: “It is my duty to secure effective and efficient Police and Fire & Rescue services that ensure community needs are met while commissioning services to prevent crime, reduce anti-social behaviour and support victims across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
“I know from my council tax consultation that Staffordshire residents want their Police service to keep improving, to further increase officer numbers and to evolve so that they can address local priorities. Regrettably, next year, central government grants will not cover increases in pay, national insurance and inflation while it appears that general election promises to expand neighbourhood policing will not be fully funded.
“I aim to always keep council tax as low as possible, and I am very aware of the pressures on household budgets. However, due to some significant uncertainties and new financial pressures, I am proposing to increase the policing element of the council tax bill this year by 27 pence per week (£14 per annum) to £287.57 for a band D property.
“Not to take these measures now will mean bigger cuts in service and potentially bigger council tax increases in the future. Together, this budget and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) will put Staffordshire Police in the best possible position to continue to keep us safe.”
Find out more about the Staffordshire Commissioner’s council tax proposals at the meeting held on 3 February at 10am: Agenda for Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel on Monday 3rd February 2025, 10:00am – Staffordshire County Council
The panel will meet again to discuss the Fire & Rescue precept proposal on 10 February.