Annual Report

The Commissioner produces an Annual Report each year to inform the public and our partners on the progress that has been made against his Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan.

This report gives both the public and the body which oversees his work, the Police, Fire and Crime Panel, the opportunity to review his activities and work and provide their feedback.

These reports cover each financial year. All feedback on the report is welcomed. Please use our Contact page to give us your views.

Annual Report 2023-2024

The 2023/24 Annual Report provides an overview of the Commissioner’s activities and key successes over the 2023/24 financial year, providing a snapshot of the work being undertaken to deliver on the priorities set out in his Police & Crime and Fire & Rescue plans.

If you would like a printed copy of the plans, or a copy of the report in any other format, please get in touch via the methods on our Contact page.

Please download the 2023/24 Annual Report to find out more. 


The 2022/23 Annual Report provides an overview of the Commissioner’s activities and key successes over the 2022/23 financial year, providing a snapshot of the work being undertaken to deliver on the priorities set out in his Police & Crime and Fire & Rescue plans.

What our Police and Fire plans mean for you:

Annual Report Files