Police & Crime

Our Aim – Keep Staffordshire Safe

Our priorities

Read more about Staffordshire Police performance

Policing in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent continues to evolve as the nature of crime continues to change. With fewer neighbourhood crimes such as burglary and theft but more crimes against the person, there is a greater focus on protecting people from harm. Complex issues such as child sexual exploitation, modern slavery, online fraud and managing public protests have become ‘business as usual’ for our Police service, with local Police teams increasingly addressing issues caused by societal problems such as domestic abuse, missing persons, mental health concerns and substance misuse.

My challenge, and the challenge for Staffordshire Police, is to get the balance right in addressing the issues that many people

see day in, day out whilst also tackling the problems that most people don’t experience but can cause significant harm to a smaller number of people who need to be protected.

I work closely with Staffordshire Police to bring about the changes that are needed but it’s broader than just policing. I have wider responsibilities to prevent crime, influence the criminal justice system and support victims with services which cannot be delivered by the Police. Some of these services are commissioned by my office and others require working closely with the NHS, councils, criminal justice agencies, schools, businesses, community groups and other partners. Where there are gaps in services being provided, I will do my utmost to make sure they are filled.

In 2021, after a widespread consultation I published my Police & Crime Plan, which provides the strategic direction for how Staffordshire Police should be delivered over coming years.

The plan details how my office and I will work with Staffordshire Police and partners to reduce the number of victims of crime and anti-social behaviour, reduce casualties on our roads, and prevent people suffering due to the actions of others.

My Police & Crime Plan focuses on five key priority areas, which form an important part of how I hold the Chief Constable to account on behalf of the public.

Ben Adams, Staffordshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner


The HMICFRS Digital Crime and Performance Pack brings together already published data about police performance to improve transparency and accountability. The pack shows the performance of all 43 police forces in England and Wales against the priority measures outlined in the Government’s Beating Crime Plan, in easy-to-use tables and graphical formats. This pack covers homicide, serious violence and neighbourhood crime and will be updated every quarter.

Police and Crime Files