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Applicants sought for independent scrutiny panel

WOULD you like to help scrutinise and examine policing and the fire service in Staffordshire?

Now’s your chance.

The Ethics, Transparency and Audit Panel (ETAP) was launched by Matthew Ellis, the Staffordshire Commissioner Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime, with the aim of being the most open, transparent and independent means of scrutinising the county’s police.

With policing constantly evolving to reflect societal changes, there remains a need for critical analysis and the need to drive performance. And the forthcoming ETAP schedule will be extended to include scrutiny of fire, after Mr Ellis recently assumed governance of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service.

ETAP sit as a panel and meet regularly to examine the work of the police and fire. The rigour and scrutiny previously brought by ETAP has received national recognition.

Mr Ellis said: ‘Honest and independent scrutiny by the public is crucial as we strive to set the bar higher in policing and fire.

‘This is about being open and transparent so that public confidence improves throughout our services.

‘ETAP has used its wide-ranging and rigorous powers to scrutinise to make sure decisions made are correct and in the best interests of the public.

‘We’re looking for more members of the public from the north of the county, especially those with financial expertise.’

Appointments are made for a minimum of two years with work on ETAP taking up to three days per month. Appropriate remuneration is available for the right candidate.

Applicants must be based in Staffordshire or Stoke-on-Trent.

People across the county are being invited to apply to join the independent panel – with ETAP particularly keen to hear from qualified accountants to help with the scrutiny of public finances.

For more details, please contact Jean Cass on 01785 232453 or on jean.cass@staffordshire-pfcc.pnn.gov.uk

Application form – please click here

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