PCC Matthew Ellis and Sgt Tyrone Kerr looking at the mobile device

PCC: “Drive for value for money to continue”

Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner has said the drive for value for money will make sure public money is spent better, wisely and efficiently on policing and community safety.

Matthew Ellis made the comment following the Chancellor’s Spending Review announcement on police funding on Wednesday, November 25.

Mr Ellis said: “A year ago I made the assumptions of 20% reductions in Government funding for policing and community safety and we were broadly on track to meet the challenge.

“The news from the Chancellor provides financial respite but makes it even more important to continue our investment in technology that makes policing even more effective at a time of ever changing challenges.

“More detail is needed as I do expect some reductions. Clearly the scale of cuts we have already prepared for in Staffordshire hasn’t happened but we’ll continue with the ongoing reforms in partnership with Staffordshire Police to make sure public money is spent better and that a larger proportion of it goes to frontline services.

“That’s what I promised three years ago and that’s what we’re doing. Spending public money wisely and effectively isn’t something to do only when money is short – it should be done all the time, no matter what the financial climate is.

“Every year, since being elected, I’ve frozen the part of council tax going to policing and I’d assumed that again in next year’s budget, even with the expected cuts of 20%. I’ve always said that until the money available is being spent as effectively as possible I won’t ask local people for any extra and I still believe that.

“Three years ago, I set out a six year plan for more traditional and visible community policing supported by the very best technology. We’re half way through that strategy and the next 3 years will see the foundations we’ve built with the police service mean better value for money than ever and more effective policing. “


Find out more about the key aims of the Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis to help to make Staffordshire safer.

:: Photo shows PCC Matthew Ellis being shown some of the new mobile technology being rolled out to police officers aross Staffordshire. Photo copyright of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in Staffordshire.

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