
Strong future for Staffordshire Specials

Staffordshire’s Special Constabulary was celebrated last night (Thurs) as the skills of volunteer officers were showcased ahead of new plans to improve the Service even further.

PCC Matthew Ellis and DPCC Sue Arnold with members of the Special Constabulary
PCC Matthew Ellis and DPCC Sue Arnold with members of the Special Constabulary

The future will see longer and more comprehensive training for existing and new officers in the Special Constabulary for Staffordshire. They’ll have better equipment, more chances to widen the policing activities they are involved with and there’s also an ambition for their work as Specials to add value to their opportunities of career progression externally.

Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis, Deputy PCC Sue Arnold and Assistant Chief Constable Bernie O’Reilly presented accreditation certificates to 29 Specials who have completed training in new specialist roles.

Recipients included nine Community Specials, who are embedded in neighbourhood policing teams, plus Specials who work on licensing teams in Lichfield District, Tamworth Borough, Cannock Chase, East Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. A Special detective, Integrated Offender Management Special, wildlife and rural crime Specials and Specials who have been trained with Central Motorways Policing Group were also awarded.

The new approach is aimed at developing the Special Constabulary further and is believed to be the most ambitious in the country, strongly underpinning even better their role in supporting full-time regular police officers in Staffordshire.

Matthew Ellis, Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire, set out his aspirations last year for the changes now happening and said that Specials play a crucial part in supporting their full time colleagues.

He said: “Last night was an extraordinary celebration of the work done by the Special Constabulary for communities across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to their commitment and I’m delighted that the enhancements I set out ten months ago have been developed into a reality.

“The Chief Constable and his team have done a tremendous job developing the plans, including new ‘very local’ Community Specials, and I believe it puts Staffordshire’s Special Constabulary in a brilliant and exciting position for the future.”

As seen last night, some Specials are also, for the first time, being trained in more specialist roles in wildlife policing, licensing, Integrated Offender Management, roads policing, public order, intelligence and as detectives.

Chief Constable Mike Cunningham said: “Those who give their time to be members of the Staffordshire Police Special Constabulary are incredible people who play a key role in keeping our communities safe. Special Constables are police officers, they have the same powers, and they work alongside regular police officers to tackle crime and support our communities.

“Our Special Constabulary colleagues undertake a myriad of activity and roles as they work alongside regular officers and staff to help us keep communities safe and reassured. They can also undertake a number of key specialist roles and these awards recognise the amazing dedication and commitment of the volunteer officers and the contribution they make to our communities.

“Our Specials are a key part of the policing family and I am proud of these very special people who do this important work.”

There are currently over 400 Specials in Staffordshire, for more details on joining, visit www.StaffsSpecials.org

A video of last night’s event can be seen below;

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