
Staffordshire leading on reducing offending

Local organisations came together today at a special event to drive forward the Early Intervention agenda in Staffordshire.

The event, held at police headquarters, brought together experts from the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF), VAST, the police, county council, NHS and local authorities to focus on early intervention for individuals, families and local communities.

Mr Ellis said: “Tackling the root causes of crime rather than the effects is absolutely key and at the centre of my plan for the next five years.

“Making sure that public services intervene early and stop problems before they happen is not only better for those individuals involved but also the best way of reducing crime and making a positive impact on their communities for the long term.

“The evidence is clear that reducing repeat offending and in some cases ‘breaking the cycle’ which is often generational, really works, not just in short term, but for years to come.”

In August, Staffordshire were chosen to work closely with the EIF, helping Staffordshire to do even more work with offenders and those at risk of slipping into a life of crime. Evidence shows that the best way of preventing crime and having a positive impact on communities is to stop problems from arising in the first place.

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