Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams will present an update on his Police & Crime Plan, and Fire & Rescue Plan, to a meeting of the Police, Fire & Crime Panel on Monday 26 September, which will be broadcast live online from 10am.
The panel regularly meets to give their views on the Staffordshire Commissioner’s plans and decisions, and is an important part of the Office’s commitment to being open and transparent.
The Commissioner’s strategic plans, which were launched in December 2021, were developed following consultation with local people to ensure the priorities they identified matched the concerns of communities across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
The panel meeting will hear about progress made against the plans:
- Staffordshire Police’s new local policing model, launched on 27 June, which is already providing increased capacity to respond, investigate crime, give victims the attention they need and more time for proactive policing;
- Additional staff recruited into the force contact centre, and a new triage system to improve call prioritisation which is already taking pressure from 101 call queues;
- Developing opportunities for the Fire & Rescue Service to go beyond what it currently does, using the expertise and capability of its teams to assist in other areas of demand, such as health;
- Home fire safety visits have fully resumed following the pandemic, targeted at the most vulnerable people in our communities – those aged over 80 living alone or with another.
Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams said: “These strategic plans have been in place for nearly a year now, and I will be updating the panel on the significant work underway by Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service to deliver the priorities they identify.
“The plans are designed to make a real difference to the lives of everyone who lives, works or visits Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They detail how the services work with health, councils, the wider criminal justice system and community groups to reduce the number of victims of crime and anti-social behaviour, reduce casualties on our roads, and prevent people suffering due to fire or the actions of others.”
People can follow the panel meeting live wherever they are via the web, and it will also be available to view online afterwards.
Find out more, and view the meeting.
Read the Staffordshire Commissioner’s Police & Crime Plan, and Fire & Rescue Plan.