Thank you, volunteers

Staffordshire Commissioner thanks volunteers for their contribution

Today marks the start of National Volunteers Week (3-9 June), and Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams is thanking almost a thousand volunteers across the Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office (SCO), the Police and the Fire & Rescue Service for their contribution to keeping us all safe.

Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime Ben Adams said: “Volunteers are an important part of the work of my office, and I’d like to thank them all for their commitment and dedication in giving up their time to make a difference to the services and their communities.

“Volunteers can bring fresh ideas, help to raise local concerns and suggest solutions to problems. They also act as advocates, sharing their experiences of working with the local Police and Fire & Rescue Service within their own neighbourhoods.”

In total, 91 independent volunteers support the work of the SCO, including:

  • 33 Commissioner’s Independent Scrutiny Panel members, who scrutinise Police powers and national and local areas of interest
  • 16 Independent Custody visitors, who check on the wellbeing of people being detained in a Police custody facility
  • 15 Appropriate Adults, who provide independent support to adult detainees who may be vulnerable
  • 13 Ethics, Transparency and Audit Panel members, who examine the Police and Fire & Rescue services to strengthen public scrutiny
  • 5 Dog Welfare Volunteers, who visit Police dog living and working environments to ensure appropriate animal health and welfare standards and maintained

Staffordshire Police has almost 400 volunteers across a wide range of roles including Specials, Cadets, Chaplains and Night-time Guardians. Across Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service, there are 38 volunteers who attend events and support activities including the County Show, young driver events, open days and more.

There are also over 450 Community Speed Watch volunteers who support the work of the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership, as part of an initiative to help local people address speeding problems in their own area.

Sharon Mulvaney has been volunteering as an Appropriate Adult since September 2023. She said: “Being detained can be a stressful experience, especially for those with mental health or other vulnerabilities. By listening to their situation, I can guide them through the custody process and make sure they understand what’s happening. I’m totally independent of the Police so provide unbiased support in whatever manner they need.

“I’ve worked on cases from public order to murder and everything in between. I don’t think many people appreciate how close we all are to being in a prison cell – just one bad decision can change the course of your life forever. I was pleasantly surprised at how much the Police value the support we provide, as well as the solicitors and healthcare professionals who make up the team who work through the custody process.”

If you are interested in volunteering, find out more about the roles available and apply here.

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