fire and rescue plan

Staffordshire commissioner launches fire and rescue plan

A high level strategy for Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service has been set out by the Commissioner’s office, spelling out new opportunities, as well as challenges for the future.

The new plan sets out opportunities for the two services to work together, so any savings made can be invested back into both services for the benefit of all Staffordshire communities.

The plan highlights the service has strong foundations and is well placed to ‘build, adapt and improve’ even further.

Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime, Matthew Ellis said: ‘The energy and commitment of people working in our fire and rescue service here in Staffordshire is hugely impressive.

‘They have evolved many times to meet the challenges of the past, but an ageing population, greater complexity in the issues facing society today and what is likely to remain a tight financial climate, will be a real test.

‘The Fire and Rescue Plan I’ve published sets out the high-level outcomes and actions I expect to see as Commissioner. The men and women in the service are the professionals who will deliver the ambitions I’ve set out.

‘Critical to investing in our emergency services is creating financial room by sharing buildings and providing some support functions jointly between fire and police.

‘Underpinning the tremendous work the fire and rescue service does for communities must be the efficient use of public money and innovative ways of making the resources available go further.’

The plan outlines four priority areas, similar to what the Commissioner already focuses on for policing – prevention and early intervention; protecting Staffordshire and its people; public confidence; and service reform.

Under service reform, increasing diversity to ensure the workforce is more reflective of the communities it serves; addressing organisational culture; and using buildings better for both emergency services will be key.

Have a read of the full plan on our website

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