PCC Matthew Ellis relaunches Space web

Space is re-launched in Staffordshire for a second year

Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis, is bringing back for a second year the popular Space programme for Summer 2016.

The Space programme was originally an activities scheme led by police in Staffordshire during the 80’s and 90’s to provide fun activities for young people during the school summer holiday with an aim to improve engagement with young people. The new version of Space, coordinated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, has similar objectives and will be aimed at 11 and 17 year-olds. The activities will be planned and delivered by a wider collaboration of public and voluntary organisations, including the Police.

Mr Ellis has pledged money to fund activities with an aim to increase skills, improve health and general wellbeing by creating opportunities to engage with young people positively. Activities will include sporting events, hair and beauty classes, arts and crafts and music production.

The Space scheme will run between Monday 25 July and Friday 2 September and will cover areas across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

Mr Ellis said: “I am delighted that the Space programme is returning in 2016. Last year Space saw more than 13,300 attendances by young people across Staffordshire at over 580 activities and I want this year’s programme to be even bigger.

“The Space programme is all about providing a positive experience for young people and opportunity to engage with public and voluntary sector organisations.

“After Space 2015 people got in touch to ask to volunteer to help Space in 2016 and we want to harness that energy, enthusiasm and passion to make a difference in communities and to young people’s lives.

“Work is underway to see how best we can channel the enthusiasm and interest of those potential volunteers.”

More information, including a calendar of events will be available over the coming weeks. Keep checking www.staffordshirespace.uk for updates. If you are interested in volunteering please email space@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk

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