Youngsters in Stafford have been given the chance to try out non-contact boxing as part of the Space programme, funded by Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis.
The Right Stuff Project have put on a number of sessions over the summer holidays to give youngsters the chance to try out the sport as part of aims to divert young people from anti-social behaviour and crime.
Space was originally an activities scheme led by police in Staffordshire during the 80’s and 90’s aimed at engaging with young people. The new version of Space, coordinated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, has now been refreshed and updated.
Mr Ellis has pledged up to £140,000 to fund activities with an aim to increase skills, improve health and general wellbeing by creating opportunities for young people to engage positively. Other activities in Stafford include a youth bus, musical theatre classes and outdoor activities.
The Space programme, which runs until Friday 4 September, is aimed at 11-17 year olds and will offer a wide range of events and activities across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and the surrounding areas.
Mr Ellis said: “It’s great to see so many young people involved and enjoying sport in a way that helps control anger and teaches discipline.
“The Right Stuff Gym do a tremendous job of encouraging young people to become tutors and help out other youngsters so they are inspired to become like the tutors.”
John Cartlege, aged 17, a tutor at The Right Stuff Gym, said: “Coming to the Right Stuff Gym helps to break my day up and keeps me off the streets.
“I used to get in a lot of fights when I was younger but this has helped me to fight in a controlled manor whilst not getting into trouble. It gives me something to do and makes me feel proud that I am helping out kids.”
Andy Whitehall, The Right Stuff Project Manager, said: “The Space programme has been really successful and we have had more than 50 young people attend, many of whom now want to regularly attend our club, which is fantastic not only for us but the local community as well. Our thanks go to the Commissionor and Stafford Borough Council for providing this opportunity.”
More information on the Space programme, including a calendar of events is available at