Matthew Ellis talks with shoppers

Police and Crime Commissioner in Lichfield

Matthew Ellis, Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, will return to Lichfield on Tuesday 6 January to hear about the issues that matter to local people.

He will hold supermarket surgeries in Tesco, Church Street, WS13 6DZ, at 2pm, and Morrisons in Beacon Street, WS13 8BG, at 3pm.

The ‘Let’s Talk’ events are the latest opportunity for people to tell Mr Ellis first-hand about crime and local policing and their experience of the criminal justice system. People are invited to come along to discuss any concerns they have about crime, policing and community safety – no appointment is needed.

Mr Ellis said: “This is a great opportunity to find out what people in Lichfield and the surrounding areas have to say. I want to hear what people’s experiences are of policing and the criminal justice system.

“How could things be done better to make sure the system fits the needs of people rather than people having to fit the system?

“These events give local people a chance to shape the future of policing and the criminal justice services for us all.”

For more details on ‘Let’s Talk’ visit

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