Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis spoke to Stonnall Women’s Institute (WI) about the work he has done to address reoffending, joining up services and the ongoing roll-out of mobile technology last Monday (12 October).
Mr Ellis talked with members of the WI and then answered a range of questions about local policing.
Mr Ellis said: “I would like to thank Stonnall WI for inviting me to speak with them about policing in Staffordshire. I received such a warm welcome and enjoyed answering the questions they raised.
“It was a great turn out and I thank them for their hospitality.”
Jackie Morrison, president of Stonnall WI said: “Thank you to the Police and Crime Commissioner for coming to speak with members of Stonnall WI.
“It has given us all a great insight into the work of the Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner – what’s going on, what’s happening and what is being achieved.”