PCC Matthew Ellis speaks to Brewood WI

PCC updates Shareshill Women’s Institute

Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire, Matthew Ellis, recently spoke at Shareshill Women’s Institute (WI) about local policing and his plans to transform policing across Staffordshire through new technology.

Mr Ellis talked with WI members about the work he has done to improve local policing with the ongoing roll-out of mobile technology devices and the introduction of the Staffordshire Smart Alert App which provides crime updates for the local areas straight to people’s mobile phones. He also discussed his future plans for Staffordshire Police with the introduction of new technology through a partnership with Boeing UK. Boeing will bring transformational capability to Staffordshire Police, providing new cutting edge technology and greater opportunities to work more effectively with partner organisations and local communities – as well as greater capability in fighting crime. Mr Ellis also answered questions from WI members.

Mr Ellis said: “I would like to thank Shareshill WI for such a warm welcome and for inviting me to be their guest speaker. They were an excellent audience with great questions and I thank them for their hospitality.”

Sue Davidson, of Shareshill WI, said: “We would like to thank the Police and Crime Commissioner for taking the time to come and visit us here in Shareshill. It was a delightful evening and we were very interested to learn of what Matthew’s role entails, the introduction of the Staffordshire Smart Alert App and how the new technology with Boeing UK will make Staffordshire Police one of the most technologically advanced force in the country”.

Community groups can contact the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office on 01785 232270 or email pcc@staffordshire.pcc.pnn.gov.uk to request a visit from the PCC. They can also write to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire Police HQ (Block 9), Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 0YY.

To learn more about the Staffordshire Smart Alert App and details on how to access the service, visit: www.staffordshire-pcc.gov.uk/staffssmartalert/

To read more about the Police and Crime Commissioner’s key priorities in his Safer, Fairer, United Communities strategy go to: www.staffordshire-pcc.gov.uk/saferfairerunited/




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