PCC Matthew Ellis and Harlaston WI

PCC updates Harlaston Women’s Institute on local policing in their area

Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire, Matthew Ellis, recently spoke at Harlaston Women’s Institute (WI) about local policing.

Mr Ellis talked with members of the WI at their meeting in Harlaston about the work he has done to improve local policing with the ongoing roll-out of mobile technology devices which will help to free up 250,000 hours of visible, front-line policing a year. Mr Ellis then continued to discuss support services for victims in Staffordshire with the introduction of the Staffordshire Victim Gateway Service, aimed at putting the needs of victims at the heart of the criminal justice system. He then answered questions from WI members and their guests.

Mr Ellis said: “I would like to thank Harlaston WI for such a warm welcome and for inviting me to be their guest speaker. They were an excellent audience with great questions and I thank them for their hospitality.”

Claire Butterfield, President of Harlaston WI, said: “We would like to thank the Police and Crime Commissioner for taking the time to come and visit us here in Harlaston. It was a delightful evening and we were very interested to learn of what Matthew’s role entails, the introduction of the Victim Gateway Service and how the technology provided to officers will improve visible policing in our area”.

Community groups can contact the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office on 01785 232270 or email pcc@staffordshire.pcc.pnn.gov.uk to request a visit from the PCC. They can also write to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire Police HQ (Block 9), Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 0YY.

To learn more about the Staffordshire Victim Gateway or to find out details on how to access the service, visit: www.staffordshire-pcc.gov.uk/staffordshire-victim-gateway/

To read more about the Police and Crime Commissioner’s key priorities in his Safer, Fairer, United Communities strategy go to: www.staffordshire-pcc.gov.uk/saferfairerunited/

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