PCC comments on Grant Settlement

Following yesterday’s announcement of the Government’s 2014/15 grant settlement, Matthew Ellis Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner says he’s determined to see crime cut further and spend every public pound better.

Under the settlement outlined today, the grant for Policing, Community Safety and reducing crime will be £112.798m compared to £114.532m that was expected, a shortfall of £1.730m. Last year’s settlement was £118.441m.

Mr Ellis said: “Over the last 12 months, we’ve made good progress financially. We’ve been able to get new thinking and talent flowing by recruiting new officers for the first time in years. This extra £1.5m reduction is a surprise but we’ll get through it.  The work we’ve done means that we’re in a strong position and we can meet the challenge.

“Whilst the UK economy is starting to recover, it’s my job in Staffordshire to make sure services are improved whilst less money is spent. The easy option would be to turn to local council tax payers to meet the additional shortfall. But I’m not going to do that. Instead I’m going to continue to drive efficiencies, spend money more effectively in a joined up way and ensure Staffordshire Police have the resources to keep crime reducing.

“Things are changing here in Staffordshire, there are real opportunities through scrapping silo thinking, joining up the public sector to work together towards common outcomes. It’s  about making significant savings and improving services, which I am confident we can achieve.

“In Staffordshire we’re playing our part towards the national financial challenge and whilst today’s announcement is significant, it’s a challenge we can meet.”

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