Youth Commission

New approach to involve young people in shaping policing

A new approach to engage with young people across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to gain their views on crime to shape future policing will take place this year.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire Matthew Ellis is establishing a Youth Commission as part of a pilot project to engage with young people.

The Commissioner wants to create a way that young people can be better engaged with and involved to help shape the future of policing and support the development and delivery of the Safer, Fairer, United Communities strategy

The strategy has four clear priorities including Supporting Victims and Witnesses, Early Intervention, Managing Offenders and Reducing Re-offending and Public Confidence.

Mr Ellis said: “This is about carrying out indepth work to get the views of young people but also involve young people in the work to improve the criminal justice system and to shape policing in Staffordshire. The Youth Commission pilot project will help to hear the voice of young people about crime and what concerns them.

“This is about developing conversations with young people across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent about crime and what impact it has on their lives.”

The pilot project will see a phase to establish a Youth Commission on Police and Crime before the next stage where young people who are part of the Youth Commission will engage with young people across the County and City. The Youth Commission will be representative but will also include young people who have been victims or witnesses of crime and those with an interest in policing and related fields such as criminology and law.

The Youth Commission will also be noticeably different to existing young people’s engagement groups across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and will liaise with existing youth engagement structures and youth groups across the County and City.

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Arnold said: “The Youth Commission will be unique and the core group will be formed from diverse communities across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. The Youth Commission will also receive training and gain skills and confidence from being part of this pilot project.”

Application forms for the chance for young people to be in the core group of the Youth Commission need to be completed and returned by September 14, 2016. More details here

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