A keynote speaker at a forthcoming conference in Staffordshire has today spoken out about the ‘morally unacceptable’ treatment some modern slavery victims receive.
The UK’s first Anti-Slavery Commissioner Kevin Hyland explained that he wants more victims of modern slavery to be identified in the UK and for more traffickers to be prosecuted. He intends to do this by giving specialist training to police forces and putting more pressure of authorities to record victim’s details.
Mr Hyland is due to speak about the issue at a conference held in Stafford on 10 December 2015 alongside Paul Broadbent, Chief Executive of Gangmasters Licensing Authority and Gary Booth from national charity Hope for Justice.
The conference which is being arranged by the Staffordshire’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Staffordshire Police will highlight the risks of people trafficking and forced labour to local businesses and professionals as well as explaining the signs to look out for.
Places at the conference are free but you must register via the following link http://modern-day-slavery-conference.eventbrite.co.uk
Modern slavery victims can be men, women and children but it is most common amongst the vulnerable, and within minority or socially excluded groups. Approximately two-thirds of victims are women, and a third are men. Every fourth victim of modern slavery is a child.
There were 1,746 potential victims of trafficking identified in the UK in 2013. This represents a 47% increase on 2012 referrals but these are just the victims we know about. Slavery’s hidden nature means actual numbers are likely to be much higher.
In March 2015, The Modern Slavery Act became law which ensured law enforcement has stronger powers, perpetrators receive suitable severe punishment and victims are better protected and supported.
Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Arnold is spearheading an awareness campaign, on behalf of PCC Matthew Ellis, about the illegal exploitation of people.
Mrs Arnold said: “Modern day slavery is still happening across the UK and Staffordshire is not exempt. It is estimated 29.8 million people around the world are currently affected and it is an issue which we all need to face.
“Modern slavery can take many forms including the trafficking of people, forced labour, servitude and slavery.
“Our aim with the conference is to make local businesses aware of what classifies as modern day slavery so they have the information to detect any illegal activity.”
Slavery is closer than you think. It happens all over the world including the UK. Find out more at www.modernslavery.co.uk or call the helpline on 0800 0121 700.