PCC Matthew Ellis with Berkswich Ladies Group

PCC speaks about policing transformation

PCC Matthew Ellis with Berkswich Ladies Group
PCC Matthew Ellis with Berkswich Ladies Group

Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis, spoke about the transformation of policing across Staffordshire at a Berkswich Methodist Church Ladies Group on Tuesday, 5 May.

Mr Ellis spoke to over 30 members about the work he has been doing since he took on the role, including the roll-out-of mobile technology devices to free up an extra 250,000 hours of officer time on the beat a year. He then answered questions from members at the meeting in Stafford.

PCC Matthew Ellis speaks to Berkswich Ladies Group
PCC Matthew Ellis speaks to Berkswich Ladies Group

The Commissioner said: “I would like to thank Berkswich Ladies Group for inviting me along to their meeting, there was a good turnout and good debate.

“The new mobile technology that is now being rolled out across Staffordshire by this year is going to revolutionise policing and will mean officers will be out of police stations and spending more time in local communities.”

Pauline Roberts, Programme Secretary of Berkswich Methodist Church Ladies Group, said: “We would like to thank Mr Ellis for attending our group and for giving us a detailed and frank talk about his role in working with the police and the wider community.

“It was very interesting to hear about the new mobile technology and how it will free up officer time so they are out in our community.”

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