Gnosall Parish Council

Matthew Ellis updates Gnosall people on local policing

Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis, paid a visit to the residents of Gnosall parish this week to talk about his aims for the future of policing in Staffordshire.

The Commissioner spoke to residents at the Gnosall Parish Council annual meeting about their concerns around policing locally including speeding issues and officer numbers in the area. He then went on to update them on the work being done to increase the time officers spend in the community.

Mr Ellis said: “The next four years is about carrying on delivering the plan I set out in early 2013 to spend money more effectively and get more visible policing on the streets across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent using mobile technology.

“It’s about making sure communities feel re-assured because they are seeing more police officers and above all making sure that we are preparing the police in every single way to deal with changing crime, to deal with the challenges of the internet which is not only a force for good but a place where criminals can do horrendous harm to individuals and organisations.”

Mobile technology has been rolled out across the county in a bid to increase the amount of time officers are able to spend in the local community. All officers and PCSOs have been equipped with new smartphone and tablet devices giving them access the information and tools they need. Around 100 Special Constables will also receive the new technology by the end of the summer, meaning that they will be able to spend more time out and about in communities.

The Commissioner also talked about rural policing issues. He said: “I want to be sure officers have the right tools for the job. The top priority is to get officers out and about – more visible and more available. These new processes mean officers can spend less time on admin in a police station and more time in the communities they serve.”

Community groups can contact the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office on 01785 232270 or email to request a visit from the PCC. They can also write to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire Police HQ (Block 9), Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 0YY.

To find out more about the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner visit

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