Don’t delay – time is running out for you to have your say on the Staffordshire Commissioner’s proposals for spending, savings and investments next year.
Staffordshire’s Commissioner for Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime, Matthew Ellis, has set the council tax for policing since 2013. This will be the first year Mr Ellis has set the council tax for the fire and rescue service.
This is your chance to have your say about investing in your police and fire and rescue services in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
You have until Friday, January 11 to have deliver your thoughts. Visit our website to take part while you can
The Commissioner will share the views of the public from the consultation when he meets with the Police, Fire and Crime Panel again at the end of January.
This year’s budget will go towards improving policing across Staffordshire and creating safer communities across the county and for the first time towards fire and rescue.
A proportion of the budget also goes towards crime prevention and support to help operational policing – as well as providing care and assistance for victims of crime.
So please have a read of our consultation document, showing you the demands and challenges each service is facing; the savings they are making to be as efficient and effective as possible to help keep you safe; and what more could be done in the future with more investment.