High sheriff new cadet patron Oct

Cadets celebrate £15,000 boost

The new High Sheriff for Staffordshire has become the latest to step up to support Staffordshire’s Police Cadet Service by becoming a patron.

High Sheriff for Staffordshire, Ashley Brough has committed £15,000 to the cadets over the next three years which will help to expand the scheme, so that every young person across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent has the chance to become a cadet.

There are now 10 successful units across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent with demand for more in the future.

The Staffordshire Police Cadets – a uniformed and disciplined service for Staffordshire youngsters between 13 and 17 years old aims to strengthen links between the police and young people and promotes good citizenship. They’re not training to be police officers, but they are learning the skills they need for the future.

Deputy Staffordshire Commissioner, Sue Arnold, who oversees the cadets on behalf of the Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office, said: ‘I am extremely grateful to the High Sheriff for becoming a new platinum sponsor of the cadets. Through his civic responsibility, and his passion and commitment he will be an asset to the cadet scheme.

‘I’ve been delighted to oversee an initiative which is about engaging young people, some from challenging backgrounds, through a vibrant and positive programme.’

The High Sheriff for Staffordshire said: ‘During my tenure as High Sheriff, I have worked closely with the Staffordshire Police Cadets and have experienced, first-hand, the changes this organisation can make to young lives.

‘The young people I have had the privilege to meet have all impressed me with their confidence and compassion, and I want to ensure that future generations can continue to benefit from this fantastic scheme.

‘The children are our future and I hope that by investing in the cadets I am helping to make this future brighter.’

For more details on cadets and the patronage scheme visit


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