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Support online campaign against modern slavery

A social media campaign calling for an end to modern slavery is due to finish on Sunday 18 October and needs your support in order to reach as many people as possible.

Modern slavery can take many forms including the trafficking of people, forced labour, servitude and slavery.

The campaign in which people pledge support to end modern slavery using their Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts has been launched in order to raise awareness of this often hidden crime. Thunderclap is the first-ever crowdspeaking platform that helps people to be heard by saying a single message at the same time. Participants of the campaign will automatically send a message of support for the campaign on 18 October in an online flash mob by all saying end “#ModernSlavery” at the same time.

Modern slavery victims can be men, women and children but it is most common amongst the vulnerable, and within minority or socially excluded groups. Approximately two-thirds of victims are women, and a third are men. Every fourth victim of modern slavery is a child.

There were 1,746 potential victims of trafficking identified in the UK in 2013. This represents a 47% increase on 2012 referrals but these are just the victims we know about. Slavery’s hidden nature means actual numbers are likely to be much higher.

The campaign is leading up to a conference which is being held on the 10 December in Stafford. The conference is aimed at professionals and local businesses and will be held at the Staffordshire County Showground between 9.30am and 1.30pm. Speakers include Kevin Hyland, the UK’s Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Paul Broadbent, Chief Executive of Gangmasters Licensing Authority, and Gary Booth from national charity Hope for Justice.

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Arnold said: “Modern day slavery is still happening across the UK and Staffordshire is not exempt. It is estimated 29.8 million people around the world are currently affected and it is an issue which we all need to face.

“Our aim with the conference is to make local businesses aware of what classifies as modern day slavery so they have the information to detect any illegal activity.

“This online campaign will help to raise awareness of modern slavery and create a call to end it completely.

“We need you to support this campaign as our voices are louder when we speak together.”

To support our online campaign visit this webpage and click support

Places at the conference are free but you must register via the following link

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