PCC Matthew Ellis speaking to Marchington WI members

PCC updates women’s institute on progress

PCC Matthew Ellis speaking to Marchington WI members
PCC Matthew Ellis speaking to Marchington WI members

Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis spoke about progress made in policing during a Women’s Institute (WI) meeting in Marchington on Monday.

Mr Ellis spoke to 30 members about the work he has been doing since he took on the role, including the Staffordshire Police Cadets, body cameras and the recent roll-out of mobile technology devices in East Staffordshire. He then answered questions from members.

Mr Ellis said: “I’d like to thank Marchington WI for inviting me to be their guest speaker and for the warm welcome.

“I had an enjoyable talk with members and reassured them how the new mobile technology in their area will increase the visibility of policing in their community.”

Sheila Jones, president of Marchington WI, said: “We would like to thank Mr Ellis for attending and giving us a thought provoking talk. The technology sounds excellent and from what we have heard he is doing an excellent job.”

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