Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis, spoke with the Sikh community at the Nagar Kirtan street procession on Sunday 10th May about the importance of communities and police working together to create a safer environment.
The Nagar Kirtan procession is an annual event organised by the Sikh community of Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire to celebrate Vaisakhi which has traditionally been a harvest festival in India and in particular in the Punjab.
The Commissioner said: “I would like to thank the Sikh community for inviting me to attend the Nagar Kirtan street procession and for offering such a warm welcome. I really feel honoured to have been invited to take part again.
“The extraordinary displays of Gatka combat were amazing and helped to create a great atmosphere.
“One of the fundamental values of Sikhism is commitment to community and seeing this tremendous event shows the true sense of community which, is at the heart of the plans I’ve set out.
“Staffordshire is made up of a myriad of different communities – different communities that have different challenges but it’s only by working together- that we can make our communities safer and successful.
“Volunteering can play a huge part in making your community safer and there are a number of different opportunities available through my office. I would encourage people in all communities to take part. More information can be found at”