PCC Matthew Ellis talks to a shopper

Let’s Talk success in Stone

Matthew Ellis, Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, spoke to members of the public about issues that mattered to them in Stone yesterday, 5 January.

He held a supermarket surgery at Morrisons in Mill Street, from 2.30pm to 3.00pm.

The ‘Let’s Talk’ events were the latest opportunity for people to tell Mr Ellis first-hand about crime and local policing and their experience of the criminal justice system.

Mr Ellis said: “This was a great opportunity to find out what people in Stone had to say.

“I had a number of local people come and discuss issues with me. These events give people a chance to shape the future of policing and the criminal justice services for us all.

“I’d like to say a big thanks to Morrisons for hosting us and I look forward to holding more supermarket surgeries soon.”

For more details on ‘Let’s Talk’ visit http://www.staffordshire-pcc.gov.uk/lets-talk/

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