
Volunteering scheme gets minibus boost

A Stoke-on-Trent volunteering scheme that helps break the cycle of re-offending has bought a new minibus thanks to money from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Proceeds of Crime Fund.

The Restart Volunteering Project, run by Christian charity Saltbox, offers mentoring and training to small teams of ex-offenders who provide painting, decorating and maintenance services for properties and community spaces.

It has received £5,000 to pay for a second minibus to develop the Burslem-based scheme, which works closely with police.

PCC Matthew Ellis has decided that 100 per cent of funding received by Staffordshire Police from proceeds of crime seizures is going back to local communities.

The Proceeds of Crime Fund (formerly known as the Local Policing fund) is supporting projects in conjunction with local policing teams and local authorities. It is made up of assets and money seized by police from criminals in Staffordshire under the Proceeds of Crime Act – Staffordshire Police continues to strip criminals of their assets.

Mr Ellis said: “For the first time, 100 per cent of funding that comes back to Staffordshire Police from proceeds of crime seizures is going directly to local communities.

“Projects like this give people something positive to do, encourage structure in their daily lives and new skills which may lead to paid employment. This is not only better for the individuals involved but also the best way of reducing crime and making a positive impact on communities in the long-term.”

Lloyd Cooke, Saltbox Chief Executive, added: “This is a wonderfully appropriate gift which has helped our Restart service purchase a new minibus, enabling ex-offenders to volunteer for community work, learn new skills and break the reoffending cycle.”

Bids for funding from the PCC’s Proceeds of Crime Fund had to demonstrate a clear connection with reducing crime and fit into one of the Commissioner’s four priority areas: intervening early, putting victims first, preventing offender and re-offending, and improving public confidence. For more details on funding opportunities visit

For more details on Restart, visit

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