Marsh Recreation Ground and Community Trust Copy

Community centre fights back against ASB

Marsh Recreation Ground and Community Trust - CopyA South Staffordshire community centre has received backing from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Proceeds of Crime Fund to improve security around its grounds.

Kinver Sports and Community Association (KSCA) has been given £4,144 to help tackle anti-social behaviour in the centre’s car park.

The grant will fund the installation of a barrier and bollards at the entrance to the car park, plus the upgrading of the building’s external lights to brighter LED bulbs.

Matthew Ellis has decided that 100 per cent of funding received by Staffordshire Police from proceeds of crime seizures should go back to local communities.

The Proceeds of Crime Fund is supporting projects in conjunction with local policing teams and local authorities. It is made up of assets and money seized by police from criminals in Staffordshire under the Proceeds of Crime Act. Staffordshire Police continues to strip criminals of their assets – hitting them where it hurts.

Mr Ellis said: “For the first time, 100 per cent of funding that comes back to Staffordshire Police from proceeds of crime seizures is going directly to local communities. Centres like this play vital roles in local communities and it’s important they are accessible to everyone.

“Measures like this are important in preventing both offending and re-offending, whilst increasing public confidence around the centre.”

The installations are expected to reduce anti-social behaviour on the car park and around the building, including excessive noise from late-night joy riders.

Rachel Davis, Chairman of KSCA Management Committee said: “We are very grateful for the funds granted from this new initiative by the Police and Crime Commissioner.

“We would also like to thank our local policing team for the support in the application process, without which we wouldn’t have been able to apply, nor receive, this funding.”

Bids for funding from the PCC’s Proceeds of Crime Fund had to demonstrate a clear connection with reducing crime and fit into one of the Commissioner’s four priority areas: intervening early, putting victims first, preventing offending and re-offending, and improving public confidence.

For more information, you can contact KSCA Chairman Rachel Davis on 01384 877 441.

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