PCC at Phoenix Club

PCC speaks to Phoenix Club

Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis talked about his vision for policing and community safety with Phoenix Club members in Little Haywood on Wednesday.

He spent an hour with over 30 people from the Haywoods and Colwich Phoenix Club at their regular meeting in Little Haywood Village Hall.

Mr Ellis outlined his plans to spend public money better and join up services across Staffordshire and answered questions about subjects including police visibility and out-of-court disposals.

He said: “It was great to get a warm welcome and be able to spend a good hour discussing  changes that are being made in Staffordshire to free up police time and increase officer visibility.

“There were some probing questions from people and lively debate about local issues and concerns.”

The Phoenix club is one of six in Staffordshire which provides a range of activities for people aged 50 plus.

Club Chairman John Prescott said: “It was refreshing to hear an articulate overview of PCC work, and members wished Mathew well with the ambitious targets he has set himself.”

For more details visit http://colwichandlttlehaywoodvillagehall.moonfruit.com/#/phoenix-club/4549299811

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