PCC Matthew Ellis

Commissioner brings ‘Mystery Shoppers’ to Staffordshire

Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis is launching a ‘mystery shopper’ scheme to make sure people get a high-quality service from police.

It will see volunteers visit police front desks, make calls to the non-emergency 101 number and seek information on the force’s website. The scheme is fully supported by the Chief Constable.

Their feedback – positive or negative – will give an honest picture of police customer service across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and highlight where things are being done well or where improvement is needed.

Almost 20 volunteers have so far signed up for the permanent programme which will become part of routine business.

Mr Ellis said: “The experience of people in Staffordshire should be at the heart of everything public sector organisations do and is central to making the criminal justice system work.

“For too long people have had to fit the system rather than the system fitting people.

“This is about testing the police on behalf of the public to raise standards, improve confidence in policing and make sure people get a high-quality service.

“Staffordshire Police are working with my office to come up with realistic scenarios for the volunteers to use when visiting police front desks, ringing 101 for assistance or going on the website.

“Volunteers play a critical part in making communities work and hundreds of them make a huge contribution in Staffordshire in roles such as Independent Custody Visitors, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators and Community Speed Watch volunteers.

“The number of volunteers is increasing and we’re having success in people crossing over between roles to serve in two or more different areas.

“The new ’mystery shopper’ role will be crucial in providing an objective view for the rest of the public.”

Initial volunteer training sessions will take place In November and December before the scheme begins shortly afterwards.

Further volunteers – from a wide variety of backgrounds – are actively being sought. They must be aged 18 or over and their expenses will be covered.

For more information ring 01785 232385, email pcc@staffordshire.pcc.pnn.gov.uk

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