More than one million pounds is to be invested in security measures in Stoke-on-Trent as part of the Government’s Safer Streets Fund, following a successful bid for funding through the Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office.
The Government Safer Streets Fund, which totals £25 million nationally, provides funds to improve security in areas particularly affected by acquisitive crimes such as burglary, vehicle theft and robbery. The money will go towards measures proven to cut crime.
Communities in Fenton and Northwood will benefit from the funding with measures including the replacement of insecure doors and windows, installation of security gates, improved lighting and fitting of intruder alarms and home CCTV systems. Re-deployable CCTV cameras will also be available to provide a visible deterrent in hotspot locations together with individual CCTV systems for certain properties.
Welcoming the news, Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime, Matthew Ellis said: ‘The impact of burglary and theft on individuals and their communities is significant, which is why this investment is more important than ever before, especially with the additional challenges currently affecting our way of life.
‘We will continue to work closely with partners to effectively cut crime such as burglary and theft, but this substantial grant provides a real opportunity for us to positively impact on the quality of life of those living in areas particularly affected by these crimes.’