PCC Matthew Ellis relaunches Space web

Countdown to Space 2016 launch begins

The countdown to Space 2016 has officially begun with less than 4 weeks to go before its launch.

The first Space 2016 activities will begin on Monday 25 July and end on Friday 2 September and will cover areas across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

Space was originally an activities scheme led by police in Staffordshire aimed at engaging young people before it stopped in the 1990s. Space 2016, co-ordinated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire, is aimed at increasing skills, improving health and wellbeing, and creating opportunities for young people to take part in positive activities to make communities safer.

Activities will include sporting events, hair and beauty classes, arts and crafts, music production and much more.

Mr Ellis said: “I am already excited to get out and see young people across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent enjoying the Space 2016 activities. Last year Space saw more than 13,300 attendances by young people at over 580 activities and it was great to see such positive activities taking place.

“I have pledged money to fund activities with an aim to increase personal skills and improve health and general wellbeing by creating opportunities for young people to get involved in and at the same time improve engagement with public and voluntary organisations.”

Activities are being added daily to the Space website so keep checking www.staffordshirespace.uk for updates in your area. If you are over 18 and interested in volunteering for Space 2016 please email space@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk

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