Over 4,000 businesses across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent have now signed up to get free up-to-date alerts and safety advice to help them combat crime.
Businesses across Staffordshire can get the Business Crime Alerts provided by the wider Staffordshire Smart Alert service launched by Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis.
The number who had signed up to get the Business Crime Alerts by the end of May was 4,410. More than 100 unique alerts are currently sent to businesses every month using the service.
Business Crime Alerts, provided by Staffordshire Smart Alert, offer up-to-date relevant information on business crime. Businesses can also choose to receive business crime messages specific to their industry, such as retail, motor trades and education.
Deputy PCC Sue Arnold, who is spearheading the Business Crime Matters campaign on behalf of the PCC, said: “Local businesses are the lifeblood of communities across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent but being the victim of crime can drive them into the ground. This is about leading the way nationally in giving businesses tailored, timely crime prevention advice to reduce the chance of them becoming victims
“The Business Crime Matters strategy and the recently launched Staffordshire Smart Alerts are there to help support businesses. Programmes like these turn the tables on criminals by joining up and sharing information about crime, working closely with the police. Whether you are a large or small company there is information and support available to you.
“The Staffordshire Smart Alert system is set to improve engagement between Staffordshire Police and local businesses as well the residents of Staffordshire. More and more companies are signing up for Business Crime Alerts every week. Businesses can join today at www.businesscrimematters.com ”
As well as Business Crime Alerts, businesses are also being offered free training to help them to support domestic abuse victims in the workplace. The training by Staffordshire Women’s Aid leads to at least one member of staff at a business signing up to become a Domestic Abuse Champion. Businesses can find out more at www.staffordshire-pcc.gov.uk/domestic-abuse/
You can find out more about the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Business Crime Matters strategy and the support available for businesses at www.businesscrimematters.com