Sue Arnold is looking forward to continuing her work as Staffordshire’s Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner following her re-appointment on Monday 23 May.
Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis proposed the re-appointment which was confirmed following a meeting of the Police and Crime Panel.
Mrs Arnold was appointed Deputy PCC in November 2012 and has spearheaded work on behalf of the PCC to provide a revolutionary new approach to giving victims more effective, tailored support.
She’s also been instrumental in the successful introduction of the Police Cadets service across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and led campaigns to tackle female genital mutilation, modern slavery, domestic abuse and business crime.
Mr Ellis said: “Sue has brought real drive to her role over the past three and a half years and a new approach to all of the areas I have asked her to lead on.
“She has led the development of the Police Cadets on my behalf which has enhanced the lives of many young people across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.”
Mrs Arnold said: “I’m really looking forward to continuing the important work we have started with the challenge now to take the PCC ‘working model’ on to its next stage of development. “Personally, I feel very positive about its future direction, in particular as I see how PCCs can make that crucial difference to local communities. “Much work is ahead of us. I will relish the challenge to serve the people of Staffordshire and help produce results that deliver a safer place to live and work.”
Police and Crime Panel Chairman Frank Chapman said: “The Panel recognise the valuable contribution that Mrs Arnold has made to the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner, especially in the area of domestic abuse, and are pleased to confirm her re-appointment.”
For more information on the new approach to victims through the Staffordshire Victim Gateway click here
Businesses are invited to become Patrons or Sponsors to help fund uniforms and equipment for the Cadets. For more details on Cadets and the patronage scheme click here
Media notes:
- The letter confirming the appointment of the Deputy PCC is here: