A Stoke-on-Trent project to tackle abusive relationships between teenagers has been supported by the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Proceeds of Crime Fund.
The Proceeds of Crime Fund is made up of assets and money seized from criminals in Staffordshire. This funding has allowed the “Boys to Men” domestic abuse project to engage with young people about issues which are becoming more common in their age range.
The Boys to Men project, which was awarded £15,000, have produced a play called “Love Hurts” which challenges current ideas regarding abusive relationships between young people who are 13-19 years-old.
The play was created following direct work with young people to explore attitudes towards relationships. A group of teenagers were also recorded whilst talking about their experiences and these recordings were used to allow young people to anonymously share their experiences of positive and negative relationships.
The play, which toured around local schools and youth clubs over a 4-week period, identifies how young people would like to be supported and how they would like parents, teachers and other professionals to talk to them about these issues.
After the play interactive workshops were held to explore the issues raised in the play.
Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire Matthew Ellis recently launched the project in Newcastle-under-Lyme and also attended a performance of the Love Hurts play at the Bentilee Neighbourhood Centre in Bentilee alongside community members, local professionals and youth club members.
Mr Ellis said: “I was incredibly moved by the Love Hurts play I watched at Bentilee Neighbourhood Centre. It was extremely powerful to see the issues young people now face acted out in front of me. The performance allows young people to open up and generated discussions on what is considered appropriate in a relationship and I am thrilled I have been able to help this worthwhile organisation.
“I am determined that 100 per cent of funding that comes back to Staffordshire Police from proceeds of crime seizures is going directly to local communities.”
Bids for funding from the PCC’s Proceeds of Crime Fund have to demonstrate a clear connection with reducing crime and fit into one of the Commissioner’s four priority areas: intervening early, putting victims first, preventing offender and re-offending, and improving public confidence. Partner agencies involved in community safety locally can apply individually or in collaboration.
The Commissioner’s Proceeds of Crime Funding is again available in 2016/17, through grants of between £3,000 and £15,000. The latest application window is open now until 14 April.
For more information on funding visit www.staffordshire-pcc.gov.uk/fund