IT contract

Strategic IT Partner contract award announced By Police and Crime Commissioner

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in Staffordshire has awarded a contract to Boeing to become the Strategic IT Partner for Staffordshire Police.IT contract 3

Boeing will bring transformational capability to Staffordshire Police, providing new cutting edge technology and greater opportunities to work more effectively with partner organisations and local communities – as well as greater capability in fighting crime.

The contract over a 10-year period would have an estimated value of at least £110 million including IT running costs and new projects.

The contract will dramatically improve the capability and capacity of Staffordshire Police and save money compared to the current annual running costs for IT for the Police.

The contract will also see, for the first time a policing IT centre of excellence created in the UK in Staffordshire, as well as driving efficiency and effectiveness.

It is believed to be the first IT partnership in policing in the UK.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire Matthew Ellis announced the Strategic IT Partner for Staffordshire Police today, Thursday, February 25.

Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis, said: “This is a pivotal moment for policing across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. Boeing is one of the most respected innovators in technology globally and won this partnership agreement against an exceptionally impressive field of 52 contenders.

“The ambition I set out in 2013 for Staffordshire Police to be the most technologically advanced local police service in the country is already on track but the partnership with Boeing will take the progress made to a whole new level.

“Policing in Staffordshire, and across the country, has fallen short of providing their officers with the right technology to do the job. As crime becomes more complex with borders for criminals swept aside because of the Internet and social media it is essential that we ensure police have the right technology to tackle crime locally and wider.

“Doing that requires closer working, co-ordination and communication with the wider public sector in Staffordshire but also the ability to share appropriate information more effectively with other police and security services nationally. In Staffordshire I am confident we are well placed now to meet the changing needs for the future.”

Staffordshire Police Chief Constable Jane Sawyers said: “Our officers have been hampered by out-dated technology and a lack of real-time information to help them do their job. During the last couple of years we’ve worked closely with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in Staffordshire and have seen progress to make sure police can stay out and about longer with the information they need and for us to know where our resources are in real-time.

“This IT partnership with Boeing takes us to the next level and will see our officers and staff equipped with state-of-the-art technology, which will put them at the forefront of policing in the UK. It will have a number of benefits for communities in Staffordshire including increasing the visibility of officers on the streets.

“Technology will also allow people easier access to their police officers. People will have a better experience when they interact with Staffordshire Police as officers will have access to more information wherever they need it, whilst in communities.

“Police will also have better information than criminals leading to earlier intervention. This will help officers spot warning signs earlier due to the information they will have access to.”

David Pitchforth, Vice President and Managing Director of Boeing Defence UK, said: “Boeing is delighted to have won this contract. We will work hand-in-glove with the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable and her team to support effective policing across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.”

To find out more about the PCC’s Safer, Fairer, United, Communities strategy here

You can read more about the PCC’s ambition to make Staffordshire the most technologically advanced police service in the UK here

Photo copyright of the OPCC.

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