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Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams will present his first budget and council tax precept proposal at a meeting of the Staffordshire Police, Fire & Crime Panel on Monday (31 January), with the public able to watch live online from 2pm.
During the meeting, the panel will hear from the Commissioner about budget plans over the next four years, which will see investment in areas such as officer recruitment and improved technology.
The panel represents the public in holding the Commissioner to account, and is made up of local authority representatives together with independent members.
Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams said: ‘Since my election in May 2021, I have been hugely impressed by the professionalism and commitment of our services in Staffordshire. I would like to thank them for this, and for the sacrifices they have made during the pandemic.
‘In December I published my local Police & Crime and Fire & Rescue plans, which set out priorities and expectations of the services on behalf of Staffordshire residents.
‘As Commissioner, I must provide our new Chief Constable, Chris Noble, and new Chief Fire Officer, Rob Barber, with the resources they need to deliver on these local plans and national government priorities.
‘I know that household budgets are tight, so I expect every pound of taxpayer’s money to be spent wisely, and for the services to make efficiencies. With smarter use of technology and plans to share more buildings and back-office costs, this is achievable.
‘I aim to keep council tax as low as possible without compromising safety, and it is my expectation that our chief officers will deliver high quality, local and responsive services that deliver the best outcomes for the people of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.’
Read the full Policing & Crime Plan here: Police and Crime Plan 2021-24 – Staffordshire Commissioner (
Read the full Fire & Rescue Plan here: Fire and Rescue Plan 2021-24 – Staffordshire Commissioner (
Find out more about the Staffordshire Police, Fire & Crime Panel meeting, and watch in full here: