Ben Adams head and shoulders

Watch live: Staffordshire Commissioner to present first Annual Report, 27 June

Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams will present his first Annual Report to a meeting of the Police, Fire & Crime Panel on Monday 27 June, which will be broadcast live online from 2pm.

The Police, Fire & Crime Panel regularly meets to give their views on the Staffordshire Commissioner’s plans and decisions, and is an important part of the Office’s commitment to being open, honest and transparent.

The Annual Report covers the work of the Office over the last year, which includes:

  • Launch of the new Police and Fire Plans to set the strategic direction for the next three years
  • Successful bids of over £2m from the Safer Streets Fund
  • Over £920,000 allocated for local community safety initiatives
  • Launch of the ASB and Mediation service and the Hate Crime service

Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams said: ‘This is my first Annual Report since being elected in May 2021. It highlights progress that has already been made in delivering improvements set out in my strategic plans, describes my role and details how my professional team invest some of the services’ budgets to help keep Staffordshire safe.

‘Essentially, I’m expecting to see these plans making a real difference to the lives of the people who live, work or visit Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They should result in fewer victims of crime and anti-social behaviour, fewer casualties on our roads, and fewer people who suffer due to fire or the actions of others.’

People can follow the meeting live wherever they are via the web, and it will also be available to view online afterwards.

Find out more, and view the meeting.

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