Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams has been appointed as the new Chair of the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership (SSRP), supported by his Deputy Helen Fisher.
The appointment will support the Commissioner in his priority of working with partners to reduce casualties on the region’s roads, which is included in his soon to be published local policing and fire plans.
The SSRP, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, is a partnership between public sector organisations within Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire, who work together to make our roads safer.
The SSRP aims to achieve a long-term, sustained reduction in road traffic collisions through joint work by partners including Staffordshire Police, Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Staffordshire County Council and Highways England.
Since the SSRP was established in 2001, the region has seen a significant reduction in the number of collisions resulting in injury, thanks in part to a range of practical measures including:
- Developing education and training initiatives to reduce people’s risk of being involved in a road traffic collision
- Working with children and young people to develop positive road safety behaviours, so they can become safe and responsible future road users
- Supporting communities in taking local responsibility for improving road safety, through initiatives like Community Speed Watch
- Delivering engineering improvements such as road or junction realignment, improved lighting or changes to signage
- Maintaining a visible roads policing presence on our road network to affect and influence driver behaviour, and improve public confidence in the safety of our roads.
Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams said: ‘Road safety is a priority for me, and it’s especially fitting to be taking on the role of Chair during national Road Safety Week.
‘A key focus of my activity will be working together with partners to continue to address the challenges we see with some of our most vulnerable road users, such as young drivers and motorcyclists.
‘It’s great news that Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent’s roads continue to be among the safest in the country, but any death or injury on our roads is one too many.
‘We all have a part to play in keeping our roads safe, whether that’s through our own skills and attitudes as drivers, or through making a difference locally by reporting speeding concerns or taking part in Community Speed Watch.’
Deputy Staffordshire Commissioner Helen Fisher added: ‘Our communities often tell us about the impact speeding and poor driving have on their quality of life.
‘Volunteers have an important role in helping the partnership raise awareness of the dangers of risky driving practices. We want to work with local people to give them the knowledge and tools they need to reduce road traffic casualties in their neighbourhoods.’
Find out more of the work of the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership.