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Get volunteering to help shape services in your area

The Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office (SCO) is inviting residents who want to make a difference to their communities to volunteer for a range of roles independent to Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, which support the continuous improvement of both services through public scrutiny.

Volunteers can bring fresh ideas, help raise local concerns and suggest solutions to problems. They also act as advocates, sharing their experiences of working with the local police and fire service within their own neighbourhoods.

Working as part of a team, volunteers are able to meet new people and share their skills. Full training is given for each of the roles, potentially helping to boost career opportunities.

The roles available include:

Appropriate Adults:

  • Provide independent support to detainees who may be vulnerable, helping them to understand what is happening during the police interview and investigation
  • Ensure the police comply with legislation relating to the detainee
  • Aid communication between the detainee, the police and others as required, which could also include the detainee’s solicitor

Safer Neighbourhood Panels:

  • Made up of local residents who meet regularly with their area’s Neighbourhood Policing Commander, holding them to account for policing in their communities
  • Analyse local crime and anti-social behaviour data and provide constructive challenge to Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs)
  • Work collaboratively with NPTs to produce written reports on scrutiny topics

Ethics Transparency and Audit Panel:

  • Three roles are available – we’d particularly like to attract qualified accountants with an interest in public service and community safety
  • Approximately three days spread over a month, with an allowance paid
  • Oversees the governance arrangements of the SCO, the police, and fire and rescue
  • Acts as an Audit Committee for all three organisations
  • Experience of working with senior management along with the skill of reporting writing and use of Microsoft office is desirable
  • The deadline for application is 7 May, with virtual interviews taking place via MS Teams from 17 May onwards.

Steven Brough is a member of Cannock’s Safer Neighbourhood Panel (SNP). He said: ‘The SNP provides another link from the police to local people who are passionate about their local community. If you’re prepared to give a relatively small amount of your time, you can be part of a team that promotes our local community and works jointly with our police force.’

Jane King, a member of the Ethics Transparency and Audit Panel since 2017, said: ‘I have enjoyed being part of a team which provides real scrutiny of our local police force and fire and rescue service. In our ethics and transparency work, we carry out reviews and provide feedback to promote best practice and high standards in public life. I feel that, as a member of ETAP, I am making a real contribution to building public confidence locally in the work of our police and fire services here in Staffordshire.’

Find out more information about the various volunteering roles and how to apply.

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