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Domestic abuse and sexual violence victims’ services to share £471k funding pot

Five local organisations providing domestic abuse or sexual violence support will receive further funding over the next three years, sharing a pot of over £471,000 a year allocated to the Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office (SCO).

The SCO successfully bid for the Ministry of Justice’s community-based support and additional funding for independent sexual violence and domestic violence advisors.

The funding, which totals £471,765 a year, is designed to increase advocacy support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, including children, so that organisations can meet additional demand and ease waiting list pressures.

The funding will be used to provide:

  • Two Child Sexual Exploitation Support Workers
  • Counselling staff for those affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence
  • Four Independent Domestic Violence Advisors, two of whom will have specialised roles
  • Additional staff to support victims of domestic abuse to enable them to cope and recover

Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams said: “Protecting people from harm, especially the most vulnerable in our communities, is an absolute priority in my Police & Crime Plan.

“It is vital that victims of child sexual exploitation, sexual violence and domestic abuse are able to access effective support when they need it, to help them recover from the devastating impact of these crimes.

“This funding will be shared among a number of organisations, providing a range of practical and emotional support and counselling in a way that is tailored to the needs of the individual.”

The funding covers the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2025, and will be shared between five providers:

  • Staffordshire Women’s Aid
  • Pathway
  • Catch 22
  • Victim Support
  • Savana

Read Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams’ full Police & Crime Plan 2021-24.

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