The Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office has made another successful bid for £432,000 from the Government’s Safer Streets fund to invest in security measures in Hanley.
The Government Safer Streets Fund, which totals £18.3 million nationally, provides funds to improve security in areas particularly affected by acquisitive crimes such as vehicle theft, robbery and burglary.
Businesses, residents and visitors to Hanley will benefit from measures such as improved static and re-deployable CCTV systems, the redesign of a number of car parks to reduce opportunist vehicle crime, the fitting of gates and fencing to increase protection and additional lighting in poorly lit alleyways, rear access routes and building recesses.
Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams said: ‘This investment is more important than ever before. We’re working together with partners to attract shoppers, workers and visitors to the city centre and preventing robbery and vehicle crime will help us do this.
‘The pandemic has hit most businesses hard, and many have not survived. Reducing crime and the fear of crime is vital to the city centre’s recovery and the wider regeneration of Stoke-on-Trent.
‘This investment and the improvement work carried out aim to instil a greater sense of pride and respect leading to an environment where crime and anti-social behaviour are not accepted and actively challenged.’